Join NCPA!
There are four types of memberships available in the Nebraska Concrete Paving Association. Take a moment to review each membership category, view our current list of members and find out how your organization could benefit from joining other leading paving contractors, suppliers, consultants and industry professionals.
All Contractors Involved
with Placing and Finishing
Concrete Pavements
Annual Dues:
Paving more than
160K SY Annually - $6,000
Paving less than
160K SY Annually - $2,500
Visiting Contractor
$500 + $0.04 per SY
up to a total of $6,000 per year
Material Suppliers, Equipment Companies & Companies Furnishing Services to the Paving Industry
Engineering Organizations that Regularly Design Concrete Pavements
Entities associated with the concrete industry who do not qualify for other classes of membership
Questions about membership options? Contact Bruce Grupe